Electrical Installation Inspections

As your landlord we are also required to carry out a safety inspection of the electrical system in your home. This ensures that the electrical supply to your home remains in good working order, but also importantly that the system is safe for you and members of your household to use.

You will be contacted approximately 8 weeks prior to the final date of the planned inspection in order to arrange access. 

We would appreciate your assistance in this matter including where relevant that any electrical pre-payment meters are in credit at the time of the inspection. This will be carried out by an approved electrical contractor.

Unfortunately, where access is denied beyond the 12-month expiry period, we may have to consider gaining access to your home . This is not an action we would want to carry out and we would ask that you contact Cloch in advance if you have any concerns as we may be able to provide alternative assistance. You may also be liable for any additional costs relating to either obtaining access or carrying out an additional safety inspection.

We are aware of some instances where tenants have arranged for their electrical installation to be unlawfully altered to “by-pass” the meter in their home. This is extremely dangerous and places occupants at risk of electric shock as well as the potential of causing a fire. It could also lead to prosecution. We would urge that this is not done, and where tenants have any concerns relating to their electrical supply to contact Cloch.